Have I mentioned I am a fan of David Regal? Maybe not. I’m a fan of David Regal. Or, more specifically, his way of thinking. My library at Casa Escamoteurettes includes his books “Star Quality” and “Close-Up and Personal” as well as his two sets of DVDs put out by Louis Falanga and L&L Publishing, The Magic of David Regal and Premise, Power & Participation.

On my list of things to do has been getting the two-volume set of books, Constant Fooling — which set of books Michael Close praised in his MAGIC Magazine review.

To continue the theme of luck, it’s lucky for me, I managed to get my order in just under the wire: both books, as well as a pack of his Disposable Decks, including flat rate USPS Priority Shipping for just $70. If you live in the USA, you can get in on the deal, too, so long as you place your order by June 5, 2005.

Check out David’s post on the Genii discussion board for details.

Tell David you heard about it here and he’ll sign your books. (Actually, he’ll sign the books if you don’t tell him you heard it here.)

ADDED 6/1/2005: Steve Bryant reminds that he reviewed these books in his excellent Little Egypt Magic in 2002. Please take a moment to read why Richard Kaufman thinks you’d be off your rocker to miss this deal.