By now you’ve probably learned Dean Dill and his family were in an accident a couple of days ago. It was bad.

Apparently, Dean and his family had stopped to help someone who’d overturned their vehicle, and someone slammed into Dean’s vehicle.

Pete Biro copied a note from Alphonso:

Dean has broken ribs, cracked pelvic bone, with rest no surgery, is in a brace.

Dean’s son, Jamie -teeth knocked out, broken nose, severed thumb tendon, having cat scan.

Wife, Denise- Broken cheek, facial lacerations, black eye. in best shape of all

As you can imagine, the financial hardship when something like this happens can be overwhelming. Steve Brooks sent a broadcast message about this, so if you are a member of The Magic Cafe, you’ve probably heard about it. Also, my friend Dick Hatch (the H in H&R Magic) forwarded a note from Tim Trono with a suggestion for the magic community to contribute to covering some of those bills.

And I want to ask if you’d take a moment out of your life and consider something.

Suppose, for a moment, that it was you in that accident, and you were in the situation Dean is in right now, in the hospital, knowing you’ll be on your back for the foreseeable future, and your family hurt, too.

If you’re so lead, would you go right now to PayPal and send along a “get well” contribution and a kind word? Send it directly to Dean’s PayPal ID: